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Securing remote and flexible work

Explore these resources to help protect SMBs from security threats with Microsoft 365 Business Premium

The shift to the cloud has never been faster as SMBs have pivoted to remote work, and the move to a more flexible workforce is here to stay. In fact, 70% of SMBs plan to maintain flexible work scenarios after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.1

With more employees working from home and accessing company data from personal devices, phishing and ransomware threats are rapidly rising—leaving businesses vulnerable to serious data breaches and other security issues. The risk is real: 58% of breaches take place at small businesses,and Microsoft’s Identity Security and Protection team has seen a 300% increase in user account hacks3 over the past year.

The bottom line? As your SMB customers pivot to remote work and flexible staffing, and explore new ways to ensure business continuity, they’re looking to their IT partners for the tools they need to improve security. When you partner with SYNNEX to resell Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you can help solve those challenges for your customers by offering them an easy-to-manage, comprehensive solution that combines the best of Office cloud productivity tools with advanced security. Plus, you can offer additional managed services on top of Microsoft 365 to increase your revenue and profits.

We’ve compiled the resources you’ll need to support your customers as they navigate remote work scenarios, so they can help their employees stay productive and enable IT to maintain security and control.

1Business Survey 2020: The impact of COVID-19 on SMBs in the USA. Analysys Mason, June 2020.
2Verizon 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report
3Microsoft Internal Research


Partner Opportunity Playbook

Find out how you can help protect SMB customers from security threats in the era of remote work, and learn more about the benefits of partnering with SYNNEX to resell Microsoft 365.

Secure Your SMB Customers On-Demand Webinar

Learn more about how to use Microsoft 365 to secure remote workers in this on-demand webinar from Microsoft.

Securing Remote Work Partner Kit

Find easy-to-apply, practical guidance about how to help your customers secure their remote work environments.

Go to Market Kit

Start building demand for a simpler remote work solution with these sales and marketing resources including emails, pitch deck, and campaign materials.

Technical Implementation Kit

Get recommendations and an IT checklist to help SMB employees work securely from home with Microsoft 365 Business Premium.

Advanced Tools for Pitching Customers

Show customers the value remote work can provide using advanced tools like the ROI calculator and Commercial Consulting Tool.

Advanced Security Hub

Find out how to create an effective security offering and take it to market faster with this robust resource hub.

Remote Work Hub

Get resources to help customers transition to remote work, including details on implementing Teams and Microsoft 365.

Secure Remote Work Resource Center

Build your security and identity skills and find resources to support remote work conversations that lead with Microsoft 365.


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